Food Plot Design, Creation & Maintenance

Preparing For a Successful Food Plot

In order to grow a successful food plot, you must first determine what its purpose is. If you are using  your food plot to grow food for animal forage or to provide animals with habitats, then it is important to match the plant species to the wildlife that you are wanting to attract. If you are wanting to attract a diverse group of animal species, then you can make your plant selection just as diverse. An example of this is that if you are hoping to attract deer then consider using a variety of legume and brassica species. These plants are known to be high in energy and are palatable for deer. However, if you are wanting to attract birds including turkey, quail, pheasant, or other bird species, then consider grassy species. This can include grain sorghum or millets. The grain that is produced from these grass species will become a food source for the birds throughout the fall and winter seasons, as well as these plants provide you with beneficial protection and cover.

Another point of consideration is the time of the year that you would your food plot to be providing forage or growing. Do you want your plot to fully mature in time for the summer or fall season, or are you looking for one that will last throughout the cold winters? Besides deciding when you should plant your plot, you also will need to determine how many plots you want and where the best location for them is. At Norton Land Consulting, we suggest avoiding putting the food plots near any public roads, this makes the wildlife feel more comfortable and discourages poaching.  It is recommended that you have your food plots located in a central area, and make sure to consider things like bedding areas, thick cover, and water access.

The process of growing a plot does not have to be a complicated one. With the proper preparation, anyone will be able to grow a successful food plot no matter what their experience level is. However, before you decide to just scatter seeds on the ground, consider some of the following:

Establishing a food plot is a great way to help keep wildlife on your property. It would be wise to strategically place your tree stands and hunting blinds around them in order to have a better opportunity for getting that trophy animal that you have been after.

No matter if you want radishes, turnips, cereal grains, or even a field of corn or soybeans, we have the expertise and experience in order to get you your custom plot. Contact our team today to discuss what food plots would be best for your property.